Be Anxious For Absolutely Nothing!

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Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:4-8 AKJV

Someone asked, "if GOD loves mankind the why all of the chaos?"

Someone else said, "why do I find it difficult to connect with GOD and to hear from HIM?

My answer is, it is man or women's desires for his or her self and the things of this world that can often distance our relationship with GOD. Being impatient will not allow us to wait upon the LORD, nor will it allow us to accept HIM and HIS ways. This causes the extreme worries of life that make individuals start fixing the uncertainties of life to suit their own desires. It only gets better when we fill in the unknowns from the eyes of GOD's revelation and mysteries. It only gets better when we have a clean and clear desire to surrender to HIS Word and will. It does not necessarily mean we will be perfect at it, but we sincerely desire and struggle to attain to achieve the final reward by remaining on the narrow path that leads to the narrow gate of Jesus Christ individually and corporately.

Relationships are not self-serving. The Body of CHRIST must have a Kingdom Mindset geared towards having a sound stable relationship designed uniquely to benefit and serve GOD even more so than satisfying ourselves to avoid anxiousness, while we are in CHRIST JESUS. 

When we are less anxious to satisfy our own motives, agendas, and desire, we can increase the fulfillment of our relationship with GOD. We will also be able to accept HIS Sovereign Will for our lives. 

Here are Seven (7) Kingdom Principles to be conscious of when desiring to reduce the thoughts of the cares of life, struggles, sorrows, and pains of life and move toward a more rewarding wonderful relationship with GOD that will produce the fruits of Peace in every area of your life.

1. Be anxious for nothing. Not even for yourself. Being impatient because things are not going the way you want it to will not necessarily make things better. Seek peace in HIM.

2. Patiently wait upon the LORD with all humility and long suffering for all things.

3. Stay yoked to HIS SOVEREIGN WILL and WORD by reading it every day. Seek the LORD and ask HIM to grant you the deep revelations and mysteries of HIS kingdom that will reduce all uncertainties in your spirit, mind, and soul. This will enhance your relationship with GOD.

4. Pray and talks to GOD often throughout the whole day consciously with a sincere desire to hear from HIM. Talk to HIM as HE is your most intimate and delicate friend that loves you so much.

5. Examine yourself daily to prove yourself not to be of a reprobate mind according to the WORD of GOD. You will want your spirit, soul, and body to be aligned to HIS perfected will for your life. This means you have to consistently renew and transformation your mind through by hearing and reading the WORD of GOD.

6. Repent often and do not return to anything you have repented, regretted, and, confessed unto the LORD. ABBA FATHER loves you so much that HE sent HIS only begotten SON that you may be saved from the cares of this life and any sinful nature. HE will give you the equipping and empowering grace to overcome. As you have learned to perform a task in a job, you can also learn to adapt to positive lifestyles that will help you to leave the old nature that disconnects your relationship with GOD.

7. Be fruitful and multiply the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST the SON of the LIVING GOD unto others with the love of GOD in you. As you continue to share the GOSPEL prayerfully, you will also increase your Christian growth. As you see others grow through your sharing you will desire to remain more aligned with the awesome great commission you are fulfilling in CHRIST JESUS.

Release the anxiety and build yourself up in CHRIST JESUS. All things will work out for the good for those that love HIM.


Abba Father, To YOU, be all GLORY and HONOR for all the great and wonderful things you have done in my life. Please give me the vision, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to be patient for YOU to establish your SOVEREIGN WILL for my life as it is in the heavens unto the earth. Give me the grace to remain hungry for your WORD. Empower me to be transformed and renewed in the mind. Equip me to seek YOUR Kingdom and Righteousness inwardly that the HOLY GHOST will rest on the throne of my heart unto YOUR GLORY! As I draw nigh to you as a bride to the groom of my life keep me from any strange soul ties, spiritual ties, covenants, commitments, or agreements that will breach my vows with YOU, so that YOU will know me and that I will know YOU all the days of my life. Thank YOU for hearing and answering my prayers. In JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen.
