Keeping Darkness Out of the Inner Spirit

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In order to keep darkness out of the inner spirit of man or women we must understand what darkness is. The most prevalent way is to read the Word of Yah (also known as God) to gain clarity of what Yah reveals to be darkness, transgression of His laws, unrighteousness, and sin.

The main producer of dark spirits is Satan and his hierarchy of agents. Dark spirits are designed to bring men and women under the submission of Satan. His goal is to increase his kingdom of darkness on earth. This kingdom is full of darkness. Revelation 16:10. 

Yah’Shuah (Also known as Jesus) exposed the kingdom of darkness. It is Yah’Shuah also that will deliver us from the power of darkness! Colossians 1:13. 

In the book of Job, darkness is also associated with the shadow of death. Job 3:5; Job 10:21; Job 10:22; and Job 28:3

Once we have discovered what darkness is we must also understand where darkness has the capability to dwell in man or woman. Darkness desires to dwell in the inner spirit of man or woman. There can be Light in the midst of darkness, but darkness will not comprehend it. John 1:5

When people are in the dwelling place of darkness, most of the time they will not know it until they begin to be rooted in the truth and Ruach (also known as Spirit) of Yah’Shuah Ha’Mashiach (also known as Christ/Messiah). Psalm 82:5

In the book of  Psalm 91:6, there is a clear sign that darkness is present with pestilence. What is it like when pests are in the midst? There is decay of fruits. There is corruption of the seed. The leaves on the branches whither. The branches begin to rot. The pestilence will breed by the numbers therefore increasing darkness.

Where there is darkness there is affliction and bondage to dark spirits. Psalm 107:10; Psalm 107:14

The way of the wicked is in darkness. Proverbs 4:19

Foolishness is a part of darkness. Ecclesiastes 2:14

In the dwelling place of darkness are sons of perdition and the rebellious. These are those that have seen, tasted the Kingdom of Yah, known the Light and  Salvation, and rejected it for dark sinful nature. Isaiah 9:2; Hebrews 6:1-6

The book of Job declares darkness as a dwelling place of the shadow of death. It is stated as being a place of disorder, and a place where even the light is as darkness. Job 10:22 It is also proven in the book of Job that the more we move closer toward darkness the more closer we are closer to the shadow of death. Job 12:22

We may also discover how dark spirits can gain access into the inner spirit of man or woman. Dark spirits dwell on the outside of the whole vessel. It seeks to enter by the means of the fleshly side of man or woman. This outer flesh has gateways of entry. The eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and the skin through touch.

According to the Holy Bible, we know that darkness can be felt. Exodus 10:21

It does not matter how the spirit of darkness enters into the flesh (bodily senses), (gateways), (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, touch); if we allow it to impact our soul (emotions, desire, thoughts) (mind) it can impact our inner spirit. 

When we begin to have fellowship with darkness instead of Yah, it can become a part of our life. We must guard our gateways, soul and heart.

When we take understanding on sin by the conviction of the Ruach Hokedesh (also known as the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit) or what we know of the Word of God....we must close the gateways immediately and consistently ask Yah in the name of Yah'Shuah to be empowered and equipped to overcome all darkness with His divine revelation, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. His children will hear His **voice** and follow.

It is only Yah’Shuah that can enlighten us when we are in darkness. Psalm 18:28. Yah’Shuah is the Word. John 1:1. We must eat of Him daily. We see Him daily. We must hear His voice daily. We must breathe in His glory daily. We must be touched by Him daily.

Yah’Shuah can break the bands of darkness and bring us into His marvelous Light. Psalm 107:14; Psalm 112:4

Surrender to Him today!

All scripture references are from the Authorized King James Version.
